DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Season 4 Midseason Sizzle

Happy Monday heroes! We have the midseason sizzle reel for DC’s Legends of Tomorrow and I can confirm that I have no clue what’s about to happen. I was upset when I learned Legends wasn’t coming back until April but I have to say now that I’m fine with that decision. I’m hoping fans are ready to embrace one of the weirder DC television shows. It’s been one of my favorite shows as of late and I’m happy to see it return.



There’s nothing else I can really say when it comes to Legends. It’s one of those shows you just have to watch and enjoy. I’m looking forward to seeing how this season will wrap up with the current plotline. Along with the Bollywood musical number that we maybe getting in this second half of the season. Until next time, I’m Ben and I’m out!

Source: YouTube

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